
Cooking Time:

70m 141 equalizer

Recipe by: Play Recipe Admin Team

57 months ago


Step 1: Prepare Dango Dough

To make dango dough, divide dango flour in three medium bowls. Then add hot water over the dango flour and mix it using a wooden spoon until combined. Once dango flour mixture cooled down add rose essence and matcha powder in any two bowls. Knead the all three dango flour mixture and shape it into a ball. Divide each dough into small pieces and roll into small balls.


Step 2: Cook Dango

To cook dango, in a stockpot bring the water to a boil. Add dango balls one by one in the boiling water and cook for 15 minutes. Remove dango balls and place on plate.

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Step 3: Prepare Mitarashi Sauce

To make mitarashi sauce, add sugar, soya sauce and water in a saucepan, stir it well and bring the mixture to a boil on medium heat. Add potato starch, continue to mix until a paste is formed and bring to a boil again. Remove mitarashi sauce from the heat and transfer sauce in another bowl.


Step 4: Serve Dango

To serve dango, arrange dango balls onto wooden skewers in order of green, white and pink. Repeat same process for second wooden skewers. Pour mitarashi sauce over dango. Serve the Dango with green tea. Your Dango is ready to eat!!!

  • ½ tbsp Matcha powder paste

  • 300 centiliter Hot water

  • 2 cup Dango flour

  • 2-3 drops Rose essence

  • 100g Sugar

  • 100 centiliter Water

  • Green tea for serving

  • 30 centiliter Soya sauce

  • 20g Potato starch

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